

Hello there! And welcome to BeldrProductions. I'm Sem (a.k.a. @beldrnl or @beldrdev) and I'm a Front-end Developer & Webdesigner. I make projects such as games, apps & webapps as a hobby. Most of them are completely free to use and I make all my projects without ads! Some of them have a small payment to support my work.

If you have ideas for future projects or updates for current projects feel free to get in touch with me! I love to hear every feedback I get!

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Who Did It?

v1.3.1.4 (2 February 2025)

Sea of Thieves Companion App

v1.1 (15 January 2025)


Are you interested in a collaboration, have you found an idea for a project, a bug or do you just want to send something? Just contact me and I will send you a comment as soon as possible. For other contact info and social media please visit